Journal of Impact <table style="width: 880px;" width="627"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 555.556px; text-align: top;"> <p align="justify"><strong>Journal of Impact (JoI) </strong>is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by Impact Research Center.</p> <p align="justify">The journal focuses on sustainable development, social impact, business, management, operations, economics, finance, strategies, political governance, and civil society, livelihood and food security, public and social policy, environment and climate change, renewable energy, poverty alleviation, international aid, inequalities, entrepreneurship and employment, capacity building, disasters and risks, crisis management, and control.</p> <p align="justify">It provides a platform for professionals and researchers to contribute work in the field. JoI carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of society and human behaviors. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version is free access and download.</p> </td> <td style="width: 10px;"> <p> </p> </td> <td style="width: 307.778px; text-align: top;"> <p><img src="" alt="" /><br /><strong> ISSN Online : 2708-9487<br /> ISSN Print : 2708-9479</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> en-US <p>Contents of the Journal of Impact is a Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. is made available under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License</a>.</p> (Editor) (Support) Thu, 09 Sep 2021 18:01:28 -0500 OJS 60 Social Media Adoption in Yemeni Local NGOs <p>Social media use is rapidly increasing as its platforms keep offering excellent opportunities for individuals and organizations, including NGOs, to develop better outreach with communities, donors and stakeholders, save costs and improve service. This study explores quantitative evidence derived from a survey involving 96 participants from 11 local NGOs in Yemen. The survey responses are analyzed using descriptive statistics that includes means and standard deviations to examine the initially identified 6 Technology-Organization-Environment factors (Technological Factors: perceived benefit, compatibility, complexity; Organizational Factor: top management support; Environmental Factors: bandwagon pressure and competitive pressure). The results suggest that the factors (perceived benefit, compatibility, complexity, top management support, and competitive pressure) are important for social media adoption. It was found that bandwagon pressure is the only factor that does not have a significant role in social media adoption. This study provides a foundation for future social media adoption research as well as useful guidance to NGOs that desire to use social media effectively to benefit their organizations. The findings can be useful to managers and communication officers of NGOs. In this study, it is recommended that understanding the factors related to adoption of social media by Local NGOs will help decision-makers be in a better position to enhance future social media adoption and adoption strategies and accomplish the best outcomes of social media utilizations.</p> Mohammed Honinah, Wail Alhakimi Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Impact Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:00:00 -0500 Evaluation of Social Media Impact on UN Agencies in Yemen <p>Nowadays, the whole world is becoming a small village. Globalization is the fact of living everywhere. The use of the internet and advanced technology integrates with all different life angles and can never be neglected in our daily lives. As part of this technology advancement, social media has broken into our daily lives and you can find these platforms or at least one of them in every home. Social media is now part of any business everywhere, and all businesses now think of it as the first marketing option for all kind of services provided. Starting from the fact that social media is a critical tool for any business, this study analyzes how social media can affect the work of non-profit organizations. The study targets UN agencies in Yemen. To assess and evaluate this impact of social media on UN agencies in Yemen, a questionnaire of 25 questions was constructed and circulated among different people in these agencies. As in the case of other previous studies, the results of this study show that there is a great positive impact of social media on brand awareness, community engagement and organizations performance. Similar to other studies, fundraising is used as purpose of social media use, but it still needs more strategic plans in the future to be applied efficiently. UN agencies have to keep on more strategic plans to keep their social media platforms into their own targets.</p> Sabrin Al-Aghbari, Wail Alhakimi Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Impact Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:00:00 -0500 The Role of Business Incubators in The Development of Entrepreneurship in Yemen <p>This research aims to identify the role of business incubators in developing entrepreneurship and creating new commercial enterprises. The research focuses on the pre-incubation stage, which is the critical stage in shaping the intention of entrepreneurs. It also focuses on factors such as incubator's performance, desirability self-efficacy, facilitation, feasibility, and perceived risk) that affect the success of entrepreneurship projects. The data was collected in the form of two types of questionnaires, a questionnaire for entrepreneurs who are within the incubation program, and a questionnaire for business incubators. The questionnaires were distributed on paper with a cover letter explaining the nature and purpose of the questionnaire. The data was analyzed and checked for reliability, and descriptive statistics were generated based on the data. The results showed that there are no standards to measure and monitor the performance of incubators, and there is no correlation between incubators and other official agencies. The results also revealed that the factors affecting entrepreneurs are closely related to the incubators’ performance levels because they affect the success or failure of the incubated projects. The majority of incubates indicated that funding is the main obstacle in their work in addition to the lack of multiple skills. Another finding of this study was that the entrepreneurs who joined the incubator program were inspired by the growth potential and lack of entrepreneurial skills. The current study provides an insight into the role of business incubators in developing entrepreneurship in Yemen. Recommendations are presented in this study for entrepreneurs incubated in the study environment in order to improve their current level, as well as for incubators to develop the level of services within the standards set by specialists and to provide an appropriate environment. Recommendations are also presented for the competent authorities and the foundation that support the incubators in order to organize the incubation process and-set standards.</p> Hana`a Hibah, Wail Alhakimi Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Impact Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:00:00 -0500 Women Entrepreneurship Development in Yemen: The Role of Decision-Making Empowerment <p>This research was conducted to examine the impact of decision-making empowerment on women entrepreneurship development in Yemen. Two dimensions of decision-making empowerment were used; economic decision making, and household decision-making empowerment. This study employed the quantitative approach and the method of collecting data was the online-questionnaire. The targeted sample size of this study was 200 business women in Yemen and the response rate was 96.5%. The results of the correlational analysis show that there is a clear strong positive correlation between decision-making empowerment and women entrepreneurship development. In addition, the two dimensions; economic decision making, and household decision-making have a significant relationship with women entrepreneurship development. The results of the regression analysis reveal that decision-making empowerment has a significant impact on women entrepreneurship development and the economic decision-making empowerment and household decision-making empowerment were explaining women entrepreneurship development. It can be concluded that empowering women by allowing them to participate in economic and household decision-making appears to be one of the important factors for developing women's entrepreneurship in particular, which in turn will help reduce poverty as well as achieve economic growth.</p> Abeer Al-Radami, Mohammed Saleh Al-Abed Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Impact Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:00:00 -0500