About the Journal

Journal of Impact (JoI) is an open access, scholarly peer-reviewed, and academic research journal for professionals, researchers, and academicians, which gains a foothold in Yemen and opens to the world, intentions to publish original Research Articles, Review Articles, Survey Articles, Case Study, and short research letters in Business, development, and allied fields. It provides a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component. It intentions to bridge the significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, evidence-based relevant research.

The basic aim of Journal of Impact (JoI) is to provide platform for the researcher, innovators, scholars and students to share their research through worldwide with us. Moreover, support evidence-based policy making to enhance development effectiveness. This done by publishing a high quality research that examines evidence of the impact of projects, programs and policies in developing countries, and discussions of experience in conducting impact evaluations and using their findings to inform policy and program design. In addition, JoI will provide a quality readable and valuable addition to the knowledge this will serve as resources for researchers along with to provide support to the scholars to enable them to undertake and disseminate their research and to help them for development of their own skills of reasoning and understanding.


          ISSN Online  : 2708-9487
          ISSN Print     : 2708-9479

Frequency Published :  4 Times a Year
Open Access                :  Creative Common ShareAlike
Review Process           :  Double Blind Review by referees
Publication Process    :  Online First, immediately after acceptance

Prof. Dr. Abdulkarim Kassim Alsayaghi
Journal of Impact
4 Nouakchott St.
Sana’a, Yemen